3 1/2 Stars
B&N: The Enemy
In the wake of a devastating disease, everyone sixteen and older is either dead or a decomposing, brainless creature with a ravenous appetite for flesh. Teens have barricaded themselves in buildings throughout London and venture outside only when they need to scavenge for food. The group of kids living a Waitrose supermarket is beginning to run out of options. When a mysterious traveler arrives and offers them safe haven at Buckingham Palace, they begin a harrowing journey across London. But their fight is far from over—the threat from within the palace is as real as the one outside it.
Full of unexpected twists and quick-thinking heroes, The Enemy is a fast-paced, white-knuckle tale of survival in the face of unimaginable horror.
B&N:The Dead
The disease only affects people sixteen or older. It starts with the symptoms of a cold. Then the skin begins to itch, and spots appear--spots that soon turn into pus-filled boils. But the worst part is the headache, the inner voices that tell you that you need to eat them . . . the young ones.
When the Disaster strikes, the world turns upside down for Ed, Jack, Bam and the other students at Rowhurst School. The parents and older siblings they left back at home are dead--or worse. Once the teachers go on the attack, the kids know it's time to escape and make their way to the city. It's got to be better in London . . .
or will it be worse?
Higson's terrifying, utterly compelling prequel to The Enemy introduces an all-new cast of characters and sets the stage for a dramatic third book in the series.
My Review:
I must say, I did enjoy reading these books. Yes, it was pretty gross...the author described the disease pretty well. What I really liked about these books though was the psychological aspect of what these kids were going through and what they had to do to survive.
Also, one thing that shocked me, was the author did not stick to the rule of the "main" character can't die. And no, that doesn't give it away because there are a few main characters.
The 2nd book actually takes place one year before the 1st book which I thought was kind of neat. By the end of the 2nd book, you could see where the two came together.
Overall- I suggest this series. I'll definitely be reading the 3rd book in the series.
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