3/5 Stars
It's a 2nd time read. I HATED it the 1st time I read it. There were so many "WTF" moments! I only finished it because I needed to know what happened. I read it the first few days it came out and waited till just a few days ago to reread it. I'm glad I did. I also just reread Eclipse. I liked Breaking Dawn better the 2nd time I read it (Kinda like the movie Twilight- really didn't like it the 1st time I saw it- the acting was HORRIBLE! But after watching it a few times more- I like it.)
Anyways, I still think that she could have done a much better job with Breaking Dawn. There was so much to do- it really could have been two books. The end was rushed and no fight? Really- there should have been a little something.
Also, I didn't like how Edward really wasn't in the book...well except for sex. Maybe all the pressure got to Meyer and she just couldn't deal with it. It's sad because I LOVE the series.
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