5/5 StarsI'm not going to post the B&N synopsis because it will give too much away if you haven't read the series.
My Review:I loved this book...minus one little part. Let me explain... The 1st book set the vampire world up and introduced the characters. The 2nd book really took you into the world and the characters. I get very into my books- I usually feel what the characters feel...etc. While reading the 2nd book, I fell in love with some of the characters. I wanted things to go how I wanted them to go! Haha...I became selfish.
The pace of the 2nd book is great. You can't put it down. The 3rd book...just the same. The 4th book doesn't come out till Aug. 24th...I can't wait that long! I need to see if I'm going to really want to throw the book across the room (this involves characters and what the author will do with them, of course.)
Great series. I highly recommend it. If you start the 1st one and just "don't know about it"...keep going. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
Now onto the actual discussion of the book... don't read behind this part if you haven't read it.
*********SPOILER ALERT!!!!!**************
Rose and DimitriI love Rose and Dimitri. The tension that builds in the 2nd book is great...but the 3rd book- holy hell it's great!
I was so unbelievably happy when they got together. It was so great how happy they were. It made me so happy! And then the author went and put a stake in my heart (haha.)
How could she make him turn into a Strigoi!!!!! Honestly- I really really get into my books and when I read this I wanted to cry. I wanted to throw the book across the room and pretend that part never happened!!!
I read the 1st chapter of the 4th book (the author posted it online) and it didn't let me know i he really is one or not.
Most will say he is- they say it right in the book- but I don't want to believe it!
Maybe it's a trick... or maybe if he is one- Lissa can turn him back. I know, I know...wishful thinking.
But how can the author do that! I am not a fan of sad books- I need my happy ending. I'll be so sad if I don't get it with this series.
ChristianI love him. I liked him the 1st time he was mentioned in the book. I'm not a huge fan of Lissa- never was. But, I do like his character and he wouldn't be there if it wasn't for her...so I guess I can deal. haha.
I really enjoyed how much he came out in this book. I liked how the author made him and Rose be put together. That was a nice twist. I also liked Eddie with Lissa. But back to Christian...
I really enjoyed reading his interaction with Rose. It was funny and just seemed right. I loved how they ended up fighting together.
RoseShe is just an amazing character. I love her. Her interactions with everyone are just perfect. Also I really love how the author made all that happens to her happen. Each even in the book fit perfectly.
OverallGreat great book. There were a few mistakes I noticed in the books- things I believe the editors should have picked up...but oh-well.
I'm going to look at her other books now. If they are as good as these- it'll be sooo exciting.
Yes, I know...I'm a total geek... I'm ok with that. :)