Thursday, August 1, 2013

I'm back! Personal post

Well, it's been over a year since I updated this beloved book blog (yay, alliteration!). It hurt me to neglect this blog, but unfortunately, it had to be done. I was diagnosed with Graves' disease/hyperthyroidism and have been very sick for over a year now. I didn't actually find out I was suffering from it until last June. I didn't get treatment (that actually would work)until September. The doctors said it could take up to a year before I "got better". Well, that year is almost here and I'm a lot better. Unfortunately, I will never be as I was before the Graves' decided to show its ugly face, but that's just something I'll need to deal with. I have been keeping up with my goodreads account, but more so just to track what I've read and give it a star rating. There really hasn't been an "in-depth" review. I need to get better at that. :) So, I haven't stopped reading, and I am hoping to now get back into reviewing.

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